Somewhere along the line her protector had recognized it for what it was, a copy of herself, and decided that two protectors were better than one, so ...she stopped fighting the process. The first step for me when I went to see her was to separate the two. Actually that was the second step. The first was to stick us all in a bubble, then pull the clone out and put it in a second bubble where the first one could observe what was happening.As soon as I showed up, the protector, of course, wanted to. “No Sir, the animals don’t have weapons to defend themselves, so it’s not a fair fight in my eyes.”My father immediately broke out in a broad laughter, and so did Stephen. To assuage the moment, both of us did as well.“Dinner Boys!” we all heard together.Moms cooking together and Dads talking about weapons ... so far so good.I should have helped set the table, but I made up for it by being the first to offer my girl ... my friend a chair.Mrs. Tremayne remarked, sitting down, “You will never. A jealous look on their faces. Women hate seeing other women with a man when they don’t have one. So anyway…we ordered food, we sat, we chatted and talked and we generally had a fun date just like we always do. Nothing out of the ordinary happened. She was her regular self and I was my regular self. We chatted about work gossip at her office, things going on in our families and some politics. Totally engrossed in each other, totally enjoying the entire time. We had a few drinks and the sun. ,I invite you all to tell us about first orgasm, masturbation, sex with someone else, same gender or not, ... etcetera.I invite you all to answer those questions, inspired by a blog which got suprisingly over twohundred reactions so far.I find the blog not precise enough, although the author did make one important difference in his simple question."I want to know when - at which age - you knew you wanted to have sex, not when you first actually did it indeed"I am amazed how many noticed his.
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