Purrrrrrrrr. SPLAT! And the slumber party begins. Aspen, Ginger, Peggy, Sarah and Jennio awkwardly trying to battle it out on a large king sized bed. ...Here comes another fluffy pillow . . . SPLAT! The little sissies were being soooooo silly. SPLAT! Another pillow across the face. Sarah fell back on the bed, toes pointing, laughing happily. Such a wimpy Sissy. SPLAT! ‘Hey no fairzies, I was . . .’ SPLAT! Yet another pillow to the face. ‘I soooooo hate Yoooouuuuuuuu!!!!’ Laughing hysterically.. When he released a month’s worth of tension she showed no signs of surprise, completely emptying him and then leaning back with a smile. He realized it was her way of saying thank you for the gifts. He smiled back and nodded, a universal signal of an acknowledgment.He’d left a note on the door of his friend and there was a knock. He quickly put his wilted willy away and answered the door. His friend was surprised to see the young woman still in her towel and asked what he was needed for.. Topher's body was a coil of dammed-up need. He'd wanted Allegra since their first date if not earlier. Whatever else her schedule of dates had been, it had also served as a slow burn of desire for him. He wanted to pin Allegra down and fuck her and would have even if it hadn't been partly her idea. He wasn't frantic, but moved with a relentless atavism that he wouldn't have been comfortable expressing with another woman their first real night together and maybe not ever.It was pure and Allegra. Drawing a deep breath, she shook her head. ‘The truth is Jill you just don’t want to go back to Houston,’ she said to the empty room. She had also responded to emails from her youngest son and her former boss. Both were worried about the suddenness of her trip. She was too. A little too late, my girl, she thought. Opening another browser window, she checked the status of her AmeriCorps’ application. Still pending. In desperation, she checked the prices of unlimited bus travel. A two month.
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