Bill was already in the bathroom and Judy told the girls to get in their pjs. Now I got a little uncomfortable wondering how this was going to work in... such a small room. The girls were standing by their suitcase in the corner and Judy was over by the closet. I just made it a point to look right at Judy. Out of the corner of my eye I could tell the girls were starting to get undressed. Judy smiled at me as she told the girls to behave and move along. They seemed to be taking their time. Then. She went in innocently looking for supplies. I went in wanting to fuck her ass off. As I closed the door behind me, I locked it. She just looked at me as I approached her. Then she started to open her own blouse. Her black lace bra and sexy tits were enough to make me come. Then she started to slowly hike up her leather skirt and her black lace garterbelt was soon in view. She had her skirt hiked up around her waist as she said, “I knew you’d be back for more. You want me more than anything and. Never could she have imagined that she would be here having sex with two beautiful ladies and having so many dirty ideas running through her head. With her cunt getting the licking of a lifetime and being allowed to do whatever she wanted was building her up for another orgasm.Cathy stopped kissing her and told her to hang on. “Ready? Cathy said. “Ready.Cathy grabbed Judy by her hips and with only half of the strap-on in her ass, she thrust all her body weight forward pushing the rest of the. Merik says " He has infinte stamina, he'll never stop but there is something I want to tell you, I heard that when Ou - Chan had Asagi in the Chaos arena he told Oboro that he wanted to keep Asagi form himself but Oboro had other plans for Asagi, I on the other hand plan on letting Ou - Chan keep you for a while ". Removing the shield that was protecting Ayame Ou - Chan lifts her off the ground and rams his massive monster cock into her pussy and rapes her again, as her pussy is filled with.
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