Fuck it, thought Sal, running a hand through what remained of his hairbefore settling back into his seat. Some peoplejust weren't prepared to be civil.... And he was really getting fed up ofthe back of the other man's head, starting to see that military buzzcutas something intended to insult him in some obscure fashion. Sal reachedinto an inside jacket, pulled out his cigar case, and removed the top,raising the case to his nose. He wasn't allowed to smoke in the car ofcourse, but at least he could. The odor of musk became stronger, making me wonder again just what it was.Her free hand began running through my hair. “This is sooo much better than the breast pump.” She told me softly.“I’m glad you came by.” I didn’t answer, I just continued sucking on her nipple. Finally themilk supply gave out. I gave her one very strong suck to see if I could getany more to come out and her reaction was startling. “Oooohh!” She squealed, her entire body tensing up for a moment. Herhand tightened in. He knew he had to hang in there, but twelvemore? He'd collapsed after the first six! He could see the end of thecane swinging lazily in her hand. Nasty little knots ran up its length.Jane raised the end of the punishment implement out of his sight. Hiswelted bottom twitched as he flinched involuntarily, anticipating thenext blow.Instead he felt the tip gently slide up and down his fiery bumcheeks,tripping slowly over the tender welts. She teased him with the end ofthe cane, tapping gently as. ” CHAPTER TWO Avoiding the tourists from up north with their screaming children, running and building what could somewhat be called sandcastles. The inappropriately underdressed twenty to thirty-year-olds buzzed on cheap canned cider desperately trying to get a tan, and of course, the screeching seagulls lurking like vultures over a carcass waiting to plunge on any piece of food they can grab.They walk along the beach paddling bare-foot in the crisp seawater..
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