”“I saw a coffee cart downstairs,” said Ainsley. “Is it all right if I’m a couple of minutes late getting back?”Nick rose. “I could use ...a cup too, counsellor. How do you take yours?”Ainsley had gotten a little rumpled and less pristine that she’d arrived. She straightened her clothes with a tug.”Black with sugar. The biggest one they have, please.”“Nick is not happy with you,” said Simon as soon as the man in charge had left them alone.“You noticed that. Did you?” Ainsley had seriously. The action of the story was just heating up; shemoved her hand lower, over her stomach, and into the soft thicket ofhair -- ever closer to her now-moist sex. She was feeling very warmindeed. The story was heating her up!He wrote what he felt, what he wanted to do to her, and how he wantedher to feel about them joining together. He was very descriptive andleft nothing out. She was now past the letter and very aroused. Shewanted him to know how this story he wrote had made her feel. Shewanted. HowBill wished he could even once more put on male underwear or jeans. Theguy grabbed Bibi's pigtails and pulled his face toward the large danglingprick that waited to be served.Bibi had learned a lot from taking care of Steve's needs so often. Nowhe began with several light kisses to the shaft, followed by licking ofthe head and, as the organ rose, sucking on the impressive knob. Theother guys laughed and cheered. Bibi ducked down and began kissing theheavy scrotum, with the cock pushed. Next you suck me to erection about 7 inches of meat in your mouth. We are now to be prepareed for the mistress. We both take a double dose of Viagra you are in chastity of course so this will really hurt when you get a full erection in your cage. As for me you put my cock into a penis pump I will be pumped for at least 30 minutes while you lick my balls and rim my ass. We both are then called upstairs to our mistress we take her another drink on a tray as we enter the room on our knees heads.
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