Was nun? Wie ging es weiter? Ich sah auf die Uhr und überlegte was mich gleich erwarten würde. Meinem Schwanz was es völlig klar. Bei dem Gedanken ...daran versteifte er sich wieder merklich und drückte gegen die Hose. Schnell duschen? Rasieren? Deo? Oder einfach rüber und sehen was geht. Ich war einfach spitz auf dieses geile Stück. Wie sie so nackt vor mir stand, ohne Worte in die Knie ging und mir meinen Schwanz blies war schon geil.Meine Gedanken rasten und die Zeit verging wie im Flug. Ich. I guess I was just as shocked as you are when I saw him with Tanya.”“Speaking of Tanya,” she went on, “is she gorgeous or what?”“Sweetheart,” I told her, “she’s no more beautiful than you are.”“Now you’re fibbing!” she giggled, “if we were a baseball team, she’s the five-year World Series champion and I’m a T-Ball runner-up.”“You sell yourself a little short, babe.” I had to tease just a little, “Not T-ball. Maybe Babe Ruth or Junior High softball, but certainly not T-ball.” In reality,. Bill howled and moaned with the rush of his climax and filled the condomwith his hot seed. Linda's cock was erect and rubbing against Bill'sstomach through the flimsy material of her panties as Bill savagelyfucked her. The pressure and friction induced Linda's own climax and shegroaned in ecstasy as she flooded her panties with hot semen. Bill wassurprisingly not disgusted and relished the fact that his fucking hadinvoked an orgasm from the gorgeous creature that lay under him.Bill's. And for some reason or another, these three remarkable women had also fallen in love with a seventeen-year-old boy. And eight fifteen-to-twenty-year-old girls.I understood the girl love better than I understood why they loved me. After Nanette’s divorce a few years ago, she pretty much gave up on men and had several girlfriends. Sophie had been dominated by Brittany, though I think she was a more than willing participant and had plenty of girl-girl experience before she spent a year in.
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