Als ich fertig angekleidet war drückte sie mir noch einen kurzen Kuss auf die Lippen und mit den Worten: "Das war wirklich super und ich freue mich s...chon auf das nächste Mal", schubste sie mich Richtung Wohnungstür. "Tut mir echt leid, aber ich habe noch einen Termin und muss mich unbedingt vorher noch duschen - du hörst bald wieder von mir" - zack draußen und Tür zu! Hatte sie noch einen Fick vor? Zu zutrauen wäre es ihr, dieser immer geilen Frau. Es machte mich wahnsinnig nicht zu wissen was. When the doorbell rang, I started to get up - obviously, it's harder for my husband to get to the door - but he said he'd go. Which was the first clue that he had something planned for me.I waited, sat on the sofa, until he reappeared with a couple - male and female, young and both very good looking. Not sex then, I thought. I stood up to greet them, and they were introduced as a friend from work (the man) and his partner. "Nice to meet you," I said, and looked at my husband. "I thought you. Anyway, he sat down next to the girl and said "It is your turn now, Isha? How about you suck my cock and make me cum, Isha?" Isha got up and turned to face him. "Very nice," she said "but I'm finished and in no mood to give you a mouth job. You can go back to jerking off yourself." Poor Rahul's face fell. "But... I thought you liked me and you promised me blowjob if I eat your pussy, Isha" he said. "I like you, but..." the teasing bitch Isha cruelly as she dressed, "as a good pussy eater and. Jake was next. His meeting went quickly. Now that Alecia had stepped down, she had asked to be put into Customer Service with Jake. Jake, of course, said he wanted nothing to do with her, which put Alecia out of a job. I watched as he left the floor, leaving me alone by myself. The door to the meeting room stayed closed, and I began to wonder if they had forgotten about me. After what seemed like a full hour had passed since Jake had left I got up to knock on the door. "Come in," Samantha said.
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