In other words it is a very safe operation." I said."Hell I can see that, you and I thought they were smuggling much worse things. If they get caught will likely be a fine equal to a half dozen snakes and they will be a 'go and sin no more warning'," Tom added. "Yeah I can see it. The club noise wouldn't bother the rats or the snakes I guess." I guess not. So we have solved the case and without breaking any laws. Damn good job," I said. "Let's have a drink to celebrate."Actually Tom had. My fingers traveled south, taking the scenic route. Slowly feeling each rib as my fingers passed them, to her sides where I pushed my thumbs into the small of her back just above her hips. Then I proceeded to slowly rub my thumbs in circular motions, while pulling her ass closer up against my crotch for some light grinding as she braces against the stove to steady her. She began to sway her hips from side to side and circular motion against my crotch as I slip my hand underneath her pants. Oh, and let’s remember, the time pressure of an incoming attack.Morgana: I hate to be ghoulish and all, but could you have just not warned her? With everything else going to hell around us... Tristan: Morgana, please. First of all, you would have saved the girl too. Maybe you could have found a way to divert that hov-tractor after it got hacked, or whatever, but in the moment, you would have done the exact same thing... Morgana: (sigh) you’re right.Tristan: I wasn’t finished. The SECOND thing. Isn't hindsight great?As I'd watched the television - I don't even remember what I'd beenwatching - I'd absently begun rubbing my chest. It just felt so good.It wasn't until the doorbell rang that I'd realized what I was doing.At the same time I was stunned by the larger, fleshier mound my handwas now kneading. My other hand flew swiftly to my crotch. It didn'tfind too much of my cock and balls remaining there.As I rose to my feet, I quickly discovered that my hair draped thetops of my.
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