Sie stöhnte jetzt so richtig schön laut vor Geilheit und machte mich immer geiler, indem sie mir mit ihrer süßen sexy Stimme ins Ohr hauchte:"Oooh... jaaaa du geiler Hengst, machst du das geil mit deinem harten Rohr" Daraufhin wurde ich so scharf, das ich sie noch härter und schneller durchrammeln musste und stöhnte dabei laut:"Ooooh jaaaaa, du geiles versautes Stück du, jetzt gebe ich dir es so richtig". Jetzt presste ich ihre Pobacken fest zusammen, damit ich schön ihre enge Muschi spüren konnte. It was the fetish-minded pussy mill mentality that saw a chance for her to make them some profits because of the demand for swollen belly females with a friendly attitude and willingness to accommodate a kinky client seeking something a bit different. She had reached a point that made her fully complicit with any scheme that would make her existence a little bit easier and less stressful than the constant abuse she received inside the adobe walls at Yuma and she didn't hesitate to follow orders. I had this weird ass dream where this sexy woman’s voice said to me, ‘John, you now have the power to control anyone and anything. I have chosen you based on how pathetic you are. I hope you abuse your new powers. I might even get involved at some point in time.’ I woke up after that with a killer headache and the woman’s voice echoing through my head. Now, I believe that woman is a witch or something and she wanted to help me in some way. At first, I just thought I had a bad dream, but I. He gave me a hit of poppers as the black guy pulled down my panties as my ass opened up, now he could remove my butt plug easily as I felt the cool lube spread on my ass. Then the incredible feeling as he slowly pushed his massive cock into my ass. He said, "Damn, she's tight" and I was given another hit of poppers, opening up as I felt the rest of this huge cock enter me as he grabbed my breasts from behind I started moaning and babbling uncontrollably about how good it felt as he pushed past.
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