Her dark green shoes were almost an afterthought by that time, although he could see what the spiked open-toed heels were doing for the definition of ...her calves.When he'd about had his fill of her beauty from the front, she spun on her toes, her auburn tresses rippling smoothly, and showed off the back. The strap that ran over her right shoulder dropped straight down her back to the right, ending in a gather at the top of her buttocks. The entirety of her back was exposed to the base of her. He glided further into her, stretching her ass to the max until his testicles finally tapped her pussy. Her legs trembled and she reached between them to rub her sopping clit as his thrusts sped up. “You missed out, Steve. Your wife’s ass is so goddamn hot and tight it’s like it’s begging to suck my balls dry. Oh, fuck.” His fingers slid up her ass cheek to sink into her hip. “I’m gonna cum in your little asshole, Ms Sunday School. I’m gonna fuck you so hard your ass aches for my cock the rest. She even got to where she could do deepthroat. She became well known around school as a slut that would give a blowjob, and swallow, to almost any boy that asked her. This was the first time she had been with an adult man and his equipment was both longer and thicker than that of any of the boys she had been with. Judy stretched her lips around his manhood. After about a minute of bobbing her head up and down on his shaft, Judy felt her nose buried in his pubic hair and his prick head. As she emerged from her sound sleep she realized what it was: Jeff was not beside her. Moreover, as she began to gather her wits about her, she realized that it was even more strange since today was Saturday. This was the day that always began with necking and petting followed by anything she could think of to try to get him to fuck her. Because she was never successful, all that happened was that Jeff would spend hours feasting on her delicious cunt while she repeatedly went down on his cock.
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