" Esmeralda nearly screamed.Again, Wren started to laugh, then stopped to stare daggers at the image of Esmeralda. "That is not about to happen, bitch...! I haven't yet, though, if you persist in attacking me? I will declare war on YOU. When I get done there will be nothing left of the fleet you now command. Don't believe me? Ask Thomas, I destroyed the whole fleet with him, would have killed his traitorous ass had I moved faster. It helped I damaged his ship. Ah! Goodbye bitch." Destroy her!". More importantly I am willing to pay for your help"I was intrigued and still attracted to Allen even if the feeling wasn'tmutual.I replied "Allen I don't take money for sex, I am not a whore, I do enjoypromiscuous sex with men, which makes me a slut, the difference may belost on you but it is important to me"Allen replied"I am sorry Christine I didn't mean to imply anything"I smiled seductively and said"Despite the fact that this story exploited people like me, I might bewilling to help you but. I found myself unable to move as she approached, her eyes still locked on mine. She put out her cigarette in what was left of her drink and reached out to grasp my hand. As she stood next to me she intertwined her arm in mine as if we were skating. She tugged slightly and we were walking out of the bar. Without talking she led me down Washington Street towards my loft. I was just along for the ride. She paused at the entrance and reached into my pocket, grabbed my key and unlocked the door. Her back was towards me so I noticed her ass. It was in perfect shape and was looking great. I felt like fucking her from behind. But I somehow controlled myself.Months passed and I returned after completing my internship. Pooja, Sneha and I had planned to meet outside somewhere. We decided to go to a bar.We were meeting after 6 months so we had a lot to talk about and had many drinks. I was high and so was Pooja. Sneha never got high no matter how many drinks she had.In fact, Pooja was more.
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