*******A l'arriv?e dans mon lyc?e, ce fut un enfer. Beaucoup de gens se sontmoqu?s de moi. Parce que j'?tais ?de la campagne?. Parce que j'?taistrop g...ros. Parce que j'?tais trop jeune. Et d'autant plus que malgr? montr?s jeune ?ge (13 ans ? l'entr?e en seconde), j'?tais quand m?me un desmeilleurs de la classe. On m'appelait ?gros lolo? ? cause de ma poitrinetombante que j'avais acquise avec mon poids. Ou parfois ?gros cul?. Ou?gros tas?. Nous appelions un de mes camarades ainsi, au coll?ge.. Still, if one does and hits hard enough to kill her, it would probably kill me, too. I survived Laura, and I don’t want to go through that again.”“Let’s compromise. I’ll keep the Toyota until my residency is over. Then, when I buy a new car, I’ll buy a new Rover out of my own money. Well, I’ll buy it on time. It’ll be easy to get financing with a new job as a doctor.” She could buy it with the banked dividends now. Would it keep her dependent on her family if she used the money and repaid. The cushion of the white chair was a very palelilac, fitting in with the overall color scheme of the room.I walked over the bureau and looked through the drawers. There was a widevariety of lingerie, skirts and tee shirts, more than was bought today.It made me wonder how long my father was planning this transformation forme. I really don't mind dressing as a woman, but I did resent the factthat a lot of the current decisions were forced on me. I think I need totalk to my father about his. We were sitting in the drawing room and chatting generally.Then she asked me if she could ask a personal question, I replied yes. She asked me when was the last time I had sex. I smiled and told her about my Bangkok experience (the story had not been published yet by then hence she did not know about it). I asked her the same she said she had not been with a guy since her husband stopped sleeping with her which was two years back. She asked me to describe my Bangkok experience to which I said.
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