Hate it. There was still a feeling ofwrongness, a feeling of other. Like he wasn't himself. For a moment, athought bubbled to the surface, of smashing... the mirror. And then anothershock.He turned, only to be face to face with another mirror. Erin's facelooked... softer. As if this was his face if he had managed to make itthrough college, get a job he hated less, didn't have to only work andsleep and work and sleep. A... happier Erin."Huh," he says, once again touching his face. He should be. . This is something entirely new to me." You think that you might like to try wearing girl's clothes? You look cute enough, you know." Wow, this whole idea blows my mind." Well, I got an idea. Tonight, why don't you put on some of Mary's clothes, and take a picture of yourself. Then you can scan it, and let me see what you would look like as a girl. I think that it would be really neat, knowing that you look like a cute girl, but that you are really a boy. Would you do that for me?" I... I. Maybe, Bernard thought for a moment, she fancies me a bit and she’ll make things go easier here. His hopes didn’t last long. “So! You are size we call Extra-Large. Here,” she pointed to a cupboard on the wall, “fetch out things and dress.”Bernard opened the cupboard to be confronted with an array of female clothing. It was hardly a shock;, there were plenty of placements where men were expected to dress as women. There were always good excuses given for it, but Bernard knew it was just another. “Mum,” I called, sticking my head around the curtain. I saw him then, trying to see through the gap between curtain and wall. He wasn’t even embarrassed that I’d caught him out. She came, and he disappeared into his cubicle. She helped me with the bra, got another, one that really fitted. 34C. I was big, like her. Big like Kayleigh……….. I wanted my Mum. I looked to either side of me. We were all there. All blonde. All big busted. Big tits like me. “blood checks all clear, all strong and.
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