.you’re cute as a button – I’m surprised you’re getting hung up on weight stuff already. Most guys don’t like skinny rakes.” Ok I admit it...: I deliberately used the word ‘most’ to feed her anxiety just a little…“Someone called me a fat sow.”“What kind of asshole would say that? Besides you know that’s bullshit, right?”“Well I’ve got a gut….it’s embarrassing…”“Charlene you’re a bit curvy, but guys love curves. Anorexic bitches have tight abs. And mental disorders. Oh my god I ate 7 g****s not 5-. " Harm her? Lincoln, get off me. You're getting my clothes muddy. Would you look at what you are doing?" Cadence bellowed at me. I eased up and saw four more knives in her hand. I looked over at Legs. Lees was doubled over laughing. Two knives were stuck in the wall on either side of Allegra's torso."What the fuck?" We were practicing an act." Where did you get seven good throwing knives?" There are five more in the kit, but we were just practicing," Cadence said. "Aren't they cool? I wouldn't. I don’t think she looked more than 18, she looked nervous and scared. She had a hot little body with nice large breasts. The old guy needed the big chair, he must have been pushing 400 lbs and was dressed in old blue jeans and a ratty looking shirt, a large cowboy hat covered his balding head. “What can I do you for boys?” There were no pleasantries to be had and I got down to business, I grabbed Lisa by the elbow and pushed her forward, I could feel her whole body shaking as she stumbled up. Jade warned me that it was a dirty story that involved a man and two nine year old twin girls. I told her that was fine and began reading for her. The story was very well written and was extremely graphic and equally erotic.I read for two straight hours and was only half way through, so we ended it there for the night and agreed to finish it the next night. After reading the first part I had a question for Jade. I asked her if she became sexually aroused when I was reading to her and after some.
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