Later, he had over-dug one end of a shelf and had to fill it back in. Get your mind off her, he told himself. Falling in love with her is just going get you hurt. Hmmm. Stopping to look at the work he had accomplished, I wonder how many of these things she’ll need to get her stuff sorted out. Oh, well, it’s bound to be more than you have finished. Just keep digging, he told himself.Still later, she called him to lunch – soup from leftovers she had kept frozen in the cache near the. Well, He pulled into her drive way and shut the car off, Were here. He got out and walked around to open her door, and she stepped out onto the gravel. Hey, She said as he shut the door, Thanks for taking me to the hotel and everything. I really had fun! I think I had so much fun that you just might have to give me a tour of the house next time I come over . . . Her voice trailed off, and she kissed him goodbye playfully. Ill call you tomorrow, Chlo, He waved as he got back into his car. Kay!. Mary Ellen was using my bedroom which was just off the front room and I was sleeping on the couch so we didn't have to disturb anyone.I opened a beer and was getting ready to sit down and watch some television. Mary Ellen asked me if she could have a sip of my beer. I said sure and gave her the bottle, which she took a big drink from then said,"Couldn't I have my own?" Why not?" I said and opened one for her.We watched TV for a while and every time I got a beer for myself, I just opened one for. “My day is getting better,” I thought to myself.I made it to the office a little late. I did some paperwork then headed out to do my rounds around the park. When I walked back into the office around lunchtime, Sue, our campsite coordinator, flagged me down.“Dan, can you please go over to campsite number thirty-four and help this lady? She came in here earlier and was having tent issues and needed some help.”“Sure, Sue, anything for you,” I said with a wink.Sue gave me a raised eyebrow look.
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