Only when the last dropped had been squeezed out did she release me. ‘There,’ she said, dabbing at her mouth with a tissue, ‘Doesn’t that feel... better?’‘No need to ask,’ The Major chimed in. ‘It was what he needed and you did him proud. Didn’t she?’ turning to me.Although I sensed it would be some time before I would really come to terms with what she had done, I had to concede it had been a virtuoso performance. ‘Well,’ he smirked, deftly stowing away his own still erect member, ‘that’s Brenda. Our sex became very intense and frequent, about seven or eight times a day. I woke up in pitch darkness on several nights with her lips gently stroking my cock. It was inevitable that sooner or later, we would graduate to fucking. She came back from the library with a brand new book published just that year, The Joy of Sex. She wanted to try every position and technique. And we did, with total abandon. On about day five, I left her at my apartment while I did my laundry. When I returned, I. She was a little frustrated. She hated how she slipped back into almost disinterest unless she was writing her stories, or discussing in detail with Mason. Since she had stopped writing again, that usual boredom and dissatisfaction had returned. She went online one evening and tried to jump start her libido, reading the Dare again, and though it did not work, she felt a small twinge of interest.Another day, and she felt a bit better, even sending Mason a note, though it had been a while, and. It doesn't matter though, since I know you want to go and I must have someone I can trust to stay here while we are gone. Even though no one from the outside can come in and do harm, we still need someone with authority to stay and keep the ones left behind calm," I told her, and it widened her smile."That is good, because I do want to go. Sometimes you are too easy on those we must battle. You kill them before they have time to suffer enough," she said, proving once again that a pissed off.
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