As she drove them she looked at Bernard. He seemed fixated by the movement of traffic, almost as if he were almost half asleep. His mind was out of ph...ase, self-will had slipped to one side and suggestion had reasserted itself. His wife, Mary, she would look after him, she knew what to do, she always did.“I’m going straight home,” she said as she flicked the ash from the open window as the car stopped at the traffic lights onto Haden Way. “That’s OK isn’t it?”“Of course,” mumbled Bernard.The. Damn it was beginning to hurt a lot now and was starting to run down his arms. His fingers were numb inside his gloves."Why would anyone be out here in the Gorge in the winter in the middle of the night?" He thought. Then he remembered what one of the detectives had said. He told Chris that they had found where she had been dragged from the parking lot to the bushes. They found scuff marks on the blacktop in the parking lot from her shoes. He had said "The perp had probably come out here to. As usual, she came to clean my room without her dupatta and I placed myself in such a position on the bed that my dick was easily visible to her. I pretended to be busy with my phone but I had the back camera on and was looking at her. I saw her notice the dick and she instantly looked at me in shock. But I pretended to be busy scrolling on my phone and she continued with her cleaning.She kept on stealing glances every now and then as she thought I was busy with my phone but I was noticing. I bought a Swinger's magazine at an adult bookstore. It had several telephone Personal services in the back for gays and bisexuals. I picked one at random, and started calling. There were several good ones close to home that met my criteria. I started out leaving just a message or two, until I got a response.I was surprised at how many responses I actually got, including a few unsolicited ones to my own personal ad. One of these was a black man with a nine inch cock that sounded really nice,.
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