Kaze donio sam ti nekakve serpe sto je mama poslala. Zaista je trebao donijeti te serpe, ali me iznenadio ovako kasno. Bila sam u sorcu i majici na br...etele – bilo je ljeto. Pozvala sam ga i usao je u kucu. Sjedio je i popio jedno pivo, a onda i d**go. Opet sam primijetila da bulji u mene i vidjela sam koliko mu je nabrekao sortc. Sjedio je preko puta mene. Razgovarali smo a onda je ustao i otisao do WC-a. Nisam izdrzala ustala sam kao da odem do spavace sobe a vrata od WC-a su bila odskrinuta.. I cursed to myself and stared down at it. "Guess I have to go get some ring remover." Yo, nice place you got here."I froze in place as an unfamiliar voice began to talk to me. Slowly, I turned around and looked, seeing a barely dressed white-haired woman standing in my living room, which chains wrapped tightly around her body. She looked around my apartment before turning her head to me. "Ah, so you're the new Ringleader." She cleared her throat before pulling out a small stack of index cards. My dad had always coveted this place, especially as soon as Prohibition was over and he could go legit in the liquor business. An old Irish street pal of his had once owned it and now dad wanted the place back. He hadn’t even known the joint was up for sale until your dad bought it and turned it into a sweets shop. Anyway, he encouraged his habit of gambling but your dad always had a bit of a lucky streak and kept himself out of debt, even when times and business here wasn’t good. So, dad. I want to feel your tongue in my ass while I am feeding her my cock."Suddenly I feel movement over my body. Next, I feel a dick probing at the entrance of my twat. Only, this time it's not a fake one. It's the real thing. I don't know who owns it, but right now I don't care. I only want it to fuck me. Over and over. Do me good, and leave me sore."You like that?" Bev asks. "I thought you would. Maxine, I would like to introduce you to my 18-year-old son, Andrew. Or, should I say, I would like to.
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