He could remember the taste. It had been much sweeter than any cum he had drunk before but he put that down to youth since he had never been intereste...d in younger boys. His cock was hard and despite being really frightened, William had to wank. His thoughts, as he stroked his long cock, kept drifting back to that stiff piece of flesh being offered through the hole and the taste as the thin jet of fluid had hit the back of his throat.It was eight o’ clock in the evening on the following Saturday. - Too Good to Miss. The Canadians know how to handle complaints. Here is an example.A Canadian female liberal wrote a lot of letters to the Canadian government, complaining about the treatment of captive insurgents (terrorists) being held in Afghanistan National Correctional System facilities. She demanded a response to her letter.She received back the following reply: National Defense Headquarters M Gen George R. Pearkes Bldg., 15 NT 101 Colonel By Drive Ottawa, ON K1A 0K2 Canada...Dear. ‘But I have no idea about the number,’ I confessed. Then I had a sudden epiphany. ‘I got it! It goes back to Forbidden Planet. That was the number of the space ship in Forbidden Planet,’ I said with a self-satisfied air. ‘Wrong!’ she said. It was a simple statement and even in a tone that made it clear she was right and that I was wrong. ‘The ship in Forbidden Planet is a United Planets Cruiser C-57D. But, there is a supposed link. What is it? For two extra points!’ Boy! Was she good or what? I. I sat next to his chair, on his bed, so that my growing bulge would be out of his sight.I could feel the heat coming from his body even this far away. He looked for maybe another half a minute at his computer, after which he did something that sort of threw me off guard. In one move he wheeled around on his revolving chair until he was facing me, and then placed one foot on the floor, and one on the side of the bed, right between my legs. He smiled."So Mike, you horny or something bro?" he.
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