The Malshallians continued to pour over the side. About fifteen to twenty were involved with trying to push back the Fourth who were holding their own... admirably although retreating under the constant pressure. Bodies were beginning to litter the deck; most, Dent was pleased to note, wearing blue.The movement of men from the frigate to the Grip slowed and finally halted. Maybe sixty had boarded as the Second and Third squads suddenly smashed into the unprotected flanks of the boarders. Although. Whatever the reason, I signed those papers. I did so with the expectation that I would be taken in the very next afternoon. It was amazing, to be scheduled so fast, I'd heard that most clinics made appointments for months down the road. I should have wondered at that too, I guess. ***Andy took me to the clinic at 3 o'clock the next afternoon. I was met by a good looking guy who told my husband that he could come back after 7 that evening to pick me up. When he said that he would like to stay,. I was feeling mostly content with the little peep show but then things changed.Mr. Franks pulled into the station and I started filling tank. When I began cleaning the passenger side windshield I noticed Mrs. Franks holding the baby and it being fussy. I really didn't much care because my attention was drawn mostly to her exposed cleavage. My hand stopped in mid-swipe as she popped open half of her blouse, reached inside and hauled out one very large breast. I had all of one second to look. Dad finished the call and turned to Sue and agreed on the deal. Sue rubber her hand over her pussy and then when it was all gooey with cum reached over to dad and said "shake".After dinner I went to my room and with some digital help produced a form for permission to attend a sports day on Saturday which would have me out of the house all day. Then when I got dad to sign the form I asked if I could use his workshop to do some work on my bike. Pleased that I would be gone for the day he readily.
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