Sometimes they both used such phrases in the course of their love- making, but not at any other time. And too, now that she thought about it, Lola fel...t fatigued. She certainly didn't feel like making love again. Right now what she wanted to do was to go upstairs and call Rudy, then take a shower and reflect on the fact that soon her brother would be working at the station with her. He was bound to make a fine reporter.Her thoughts were interrupted as her husband reached out and pulled her down. I got off and pretended to walk into the school. I waited a couple of minutes and walked back out. Right away I noticed Mario’s pearl Escalade. I sashayed over to him. He got off and opened the passenger door for me. “You look lovely today Mara.” “Thanks.” We made small talk while he drove, I asked him several times where he was taking me but he refused to say. We drove for a good hour and a half, I wasn’t really paying. "She's a fucking legend, mate", said the portly, silver-haired gentleman who had last been inside my fiancé of 4 years, the girl who was a virgin before we met, the girl who hadn't slept with another man until tonight, a woman who now had 11 conquests under her belt and inside her tight little muffin. The din of shitty dance music rang in my ears as she writhed around on the swear-and-semen sodden bed. Glistening with exertion and juices, she beamed brighter than I've ever seen her beam."I'm. How about that." "You think you're gonna win. But it's still a deal. I have a few tricks up my own sleeve. Joey. Remember when you and I were talking about how much fun it would be to have Tim lick every inch of our bodies? Remember?" "Yeah, Almost.. Yeah..... Asses ... Yeah.... Fruity tooties..... Yeah.... Yeahh...." "Shit," was all Suzi said. "So, should I have them do a line up? or do you want me to pick them out?" "You do it." Suzi said darkly. "Yeah.... Almost....... Yeah....." came from.
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