The same as every evening, yet everything seemed changed, twisted- the flickering of the little flames, how eerie it looked, strange and bizarre! Yet ...on second sight he couldn’t decect anything abnormal. An unmistakable sense of fear gripped the youth. But he would not leave this place. Not yet. He wouldn’t dare.A strong breeze that rushed through the cavern awoke him from his daze. Within a second, he was on his feet, running his fingers through the mop of curly black hair where the wind had. He had always secretly thought she was cute. But she intimidated him. She had never took his shit, always stood up to him, and wasn't afraid to reprimand him when he was wrong. Something that few people ever did to him. That made him like her even more. Yet he never said anything. Now Travis found himself standing in her barn, and in the dim light mixed from the old lamp and the moonlight peeking through the cracks on the barn wall, he thought the Lieutenant never looked more beautiful. Leah. They are civil servants me until I was again accessible. They fixed me while I peed my pants. They pulled me out of my swimming gear and pulled me in a diaper. They told me the doctor’s coming. min after 4o. The doctor was still not there, the lifeguards again phoned the doctor, but the latter said: ‘He only came in 1 hour, the two rescue swimmers Girls 18 and 19 years old. Francy was 18 years and Elke 19 years old. I said, please make me loose from my fixation, but they just laughed. They came. Length after length I tick off the numbers 73 74 75 , the end way still 40 lengths away and the heart was pumping, the muscles aching. However I was distracted by a shadow walking along side the pool. I could make out an elegant figure, a lady, a lady who carried herself well and was very trim indeed. Not an ounce of fat to be seen. The same Lady that was running just half an hour ago. The towel that was wrapped round her swimsuit was placed on the peg revealing a slender looking expensive.
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