? He wasprofessional; he was calm, and unmoved.? Hetied back his grey hair and rolled up his shirtsleeves, and set to work like adentist.? His breathi...ng never changed, henever looked away or let his brown-eyed gaze linger too long.? He dispassionately crushed things, and burnedthem, and tore them apart with iron tongs and dull grey knives.? The captive ? Petra ?began to talk, despite all her bravado.?She lied, of course.? Guentherlistened to it all, making tiny, precise notations in a blood. Lissa's hand runs down the tight slit as she dips a finger into Ashley's pussy. "Ooooohhhhhhhhh god Lissa. What are you doing to me? This feels so fucking amazing. God Lissa keep going don't stop." Ashley moans as she pushes up into Lissa's fingers. "You like that Ashley don't you? Why don't you cum for me, make my fingers all sticky in your love honey from your sexy little pussy." Lissa says while rubbing her clit hard. Ashley's eyes roll back into her head as she begins shaking. Her entire. Mr. Bell's dying hit Hank so hard he hadn't spoken a word since Tuesday when Winnie called and gave him the sad news.'Where did you go, Rebecca?'Are you there with Mr. Bell, today?'Are you smiling again?'Did the sickness relinquish its hold on you?'Are you happy????'The thoughts that tormented me were all about regrets.What part did I play in causing Rebecca to go completely over the edge?What could I have done differently to keep it from happening?What should I have said, or not said, that. You turn to look at me and smile, I ask you if I may put it on you, I say if you accept this collar you are MINE to do as I pleased with for the next two weeks. With out hesitation you turn your back to me, lift the hair from your neck and present yourself to me so I could put your collar on. As I finish putting it on you say thank you sir as you turn around.I see a tear in your eye, I ask you what is wrong. You tell me that it makes your heart warm that I would want to make you mine. You.
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