Linda had the two bowls on the table and began to eat them seductively. Giving me the occasional one to savour. Linda tells me she wants to make the e...vening really exciting, can she tie me to the chair and then do a nice teasing lap dance she asks. The way the night was going who was I to resist such an offer. Linda took out some handcuffs which she had managed to save from a friends hen night not so long ago. Being semi incapacitated now Linda smiled, unbuttoned my trousers and slid them off.. She reported honestly, as she had been commanded. “Normally I would not have done that for any man, not even my husband. My daddy used to cum on my face, I never really liked it at the time, but after he stopped I kinda missed it. I would get other guys to do it but I was always disgusted with it once the stuff was actually on me, I even threw up once on this guy who came in my mouth. Now the very thought of having anything to do with sperm grosses me out. What we just did was amazing, it’s. The Babe stood up, slightly confused. The Husband was just getting turned on by The Babe, and now they are stopping. The Glutton turned his attention to The Husband's cum-polished ballsack, which was oozing on the lovechair. "They're making a mess! Clean it up, bitch!" The Glutton commanded as he spanked The Babe's left cheek."Kinky!" The Babe responded. The Babe slowly crawled her way to the fucking couple. The Glutton spanked her right cheek to make her go faster. She got there, stared at the. I just raised my hand and said Hi. They were still talking. I looked around the room. Some people were naked, some partially dressed. I saw a lady sucking on a guys balls. Then I saw two guys fucking. I looked away but curiosity got the better of me. I've never seen that before. The one guy was fucking the other guys ass as hard as a pussy. Mom whispered to me Megan don't stare.My stepmother Diane (Mom) took a step back from the group. I just want to let you know some people here are gay, some.
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