.." "Guess that answers the question, right?" He looked down at the table. "Yeah." "This isn't gonna make things weird is it?" "I wouldn't think so. I... have no problem with you being gay." I didn't. Why should I give a shit? Still my best friend, y'know? "Well, I'm not exactly gay either..." "What?" "It's hard to explain..." "Hey man, I've got time." "Don't you have class tomorrow?" I sighed. I did have class. But I didn't care. I needed a break. And it sounded like Kevin needed to talk, so.... So this is about one of the friends I met online and later we had real fun. If you liked this story, please write me at The heroine of the story is Sudha, she is 35 and separated and living in Chennai with her family. She is independent, multi-lingual and looks so amazing, the body color of her used to make crazy when I saw her pictures.We met in a site and there we had a chat and we exchanged our emails and started chatting in the hangout. It was really fun to chat with her and while. She slumped, and a tear began to fall down her cheek.“Carol darling,” said Susan gently, “The Chief Exec. said that it was Liam who got Dannie so drunk she couldn’t stand. Everyone thought Liam wanted to get into her pants, but then, when he could have taken her upstairs, he asked the Chief Exec. to help when John was with him.“Everyone knows a Chief Exec. wouldn’t do that in person, and who was sitting next to him? If Liam didn’t get her so drunk for himself, why do it? Put it all together. Billy opened the lid and found that the strongbox was nearly half filled with gold, silver, watches, and jewelry. If this wasn't bushwhacker loot, Billy was unable to think of what it could be. There was a fortune in that box! He was going to surprise his wives with it. He took a couple of pieces of jewelery from the box, closed and locked it, and returned the key to its hook. Billy dropped the jewelery into his pocket and went back to talk to his wives.Supper was about ready, so Billy did not.
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