Две молодые девчонки в шортах и топах бикини проходили мимо. Тристан улыбнулся им,... они его проигнорировали, и обе улыбнулись мне, проходя мимо. Я почувствовал, как покраснели у меня щёки, и я уставился вниз в землю.«Ты им понравился, чувак», — сказал мой приятель. «Подойди к ним».«Я не могу. Я не знаю, что говорить».«Забудь об этом», — сказал он.Мы взяли наши гамбургеры, и уселись на скамейке, откуда могли наблюдать за загорающими женщинами. Я заметил ещё нескольких девушек, глядящих на меня,. Garbled thoughts came to his mind. How did... whoever made this placeknow about her? How was it possible he saw her perfectly as he imaginedher? Was she real? If so, how would he find her?As he slowly got back up, he heard a door slam shut. Turning around, henoticed that all of the panels had slowly started to spin in a counter-clockwise movement. Before he could figure what was going on, a massivelight overhead was switched on, reflecting its light on all of thespinning mirrors. The blinding. When eventually you invited her to your place, the experience for her was a great disappointment. She said you did not have the necessary finesse to be a great lover, she had to act so as not to blow her cover. When she came ‘home’ to me she told me it was a terrible experience. You are so big that it only hurts, no pleasure at all. So it was only because of your present chemical castration that she was willing to go and hand deliver this letter today. When she comes home tonight I will propose. Like from a different world than the rest a'us. But they did gi' you these and that fine soap." And this kerchief. An' we had tea and talked a'silly things, dresses and lace and such." She sat up straight, bloused out the pink cloth around her neck and tucked it down between her breasts. "Haven't 'ad anything there since w'left London. Makes m'feel all ladylike, it does." She smiled and felt happier than she had for weeks."Y'look fine," Matthew said. "Your bond says five years, don't.
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