Knew it would be a battle, but one worth winning. Damn, who did she think he was, anyway? He was offering her a job, and a damn good one. Fuck the job..., anyway. The bottle emptied, and a second one followed it. He started telling travellers’ tales and stopped himself. Started to ask why she wasn't married and stopped himself. Remembered to ask about her work. At least he didn’t ask why I’m not married, she thought. My panties are getting damp. “So what do you think?” “About the book, you. I look into the mirror behind the bar and I see it. I close my eyes and I see it. I look at the bottom of the glass and I see it. It is all I can see. Today was a great day for me and I wanted to share my new promotion with my lovely wife and son. Remembering that Mark would be home for lunch I took the rest of the day off and rushed home to tell my loving family (boy are they loving) the good news. Mark is going to college now, the college is just a few blocks from the only home he has ever. Not at all. This crappy coffee is keeping me awake.."We sat chatting in the lounge. Our flight, due to its hours was nearly empty, and we eventually sat together, in the plane. By now, our playful chatting had turned into some serious flirting. The flight was supposed to be 90 minutes long, but both of us were too buzzed with coffee to feel sleepy. Besides, who wants to sleep when you are into such heavy flirting!A few minutes into the flight, they put on the in flight movie, some kiddie film. I wanted that cum so bad, and Bill did not disappoint. Sensing it was time, my hands released their angry fingernail grip on his ass muscles and slid underneath his balls. I started to caress them and pull at them trying to coax the cum from them. I began to feel his balls pull away from my fingertips and tighten up against his body. “Do it, baby…do it…now, Carla, now!” Bill begain fucking my face again. I knew he was about to shoot the biggest load in history. I not only wanted to taste Bill’s.
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