Do you sell heart medication?"Pharmacist: "Of course, we do."Jacob: "How about medicine for circulation?"Pharmacist: "All kinds."Jacob: "Medicine for ...rheumatism?"Pharmacist: "Definitely."Jacob: "How about suppositories?"Pharmacist: "You bet!"Jacob: "Medicine for memory problems, arthritis and Alzheimer's?"Pharmacist: "Yes, a large variety. The works."Jacob: "What about vitamins, sleeping pills, Geritol?"Pharmacist: "Absolutely."Jacob: "Everything for heartburn and indigestion?"Pharmacist: "We. I looked up into his blue eyes. Taking a long breath, I asked, ‘Well what do you want to know?’ He wanted to know everything. ‘How much time do we have?’ I laughed. We stopped rowing for a while. ‘Well, me and Michael live with our mum, Sarah and our sister, Orla. She’s six. As you probably know from Michael, our dad died when I was fifteen. I’m eighteen now…’ I trailed off. The look on his face told me everything – he hadn’t known at all. ‘I’m so sorry,’ he said, solemnly. ‘I’ve only know. In fact a lot of the time it’s they who force themselves onto me! I remember one poor lad who I had been giving a one to one lesson to, he was 18 years old and was about to audition for a well known ballet company, he was so nervous and all through the lesson he kept making mistakes which was unlike him. Eventually I asked him what was wrong and he revealed he had a massive crush on me, he had done for a while but this was the first time we had been alone together and his hormones had taken. There was no visible source of light, yetthere was a dim glow that allowed him to see. The floor, walls, and ceilingwere smooth, without any means of egress, or even any marks."Welcome, Bob. I've been waiting for you."Bob spun around in a panic. "Jesus Christ!" Bob yelled. "Don't do that to aman who just had a heart attack. You scared the shit out of me!"The man standing behind Bob was tall and pleasant looking. He was well builtwith gray hair and a reassuring smile. There was something.
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