Crying out her need. "Damn me, you son of a bitch. Oh, shit. I'm coming, sailor. Fuck yes." You give her several swift and deep jams of your hardness ...and then pause and her pussy is grasping your cock. Not ready to come yourself you ride it out.It's time. You're humping faster and faster now. You feel that pressure building and the release ready to spew. Here it comes. Hump it, hump it, man. Oh, fuck, you say to yourself. And you come as your spine curls like a dog and your cock feeds her. Jahrhunderts.Das Lager entwickelte sich zu einer geheimen, sagenumwobenen Stadt; inzwischen handelt es sich um eine ausgewachsene Stadt mit ungefähr 30.000 Bewohnern. Der Grund für die Geheimhaltung sind die Verwicklungen der Stadt in das weltweite Drogengeschäft. Trotz der hohen Kosten für die aufwändige Bewachung und die Versorgung der Bewohner ist die Stadt dennoch ein gutes Geschäft.Vor fünf Jahren aber hatte der neue Papst beschlossen, dass die geheime Stadt auch Auffangpunkt werden sollte. Snow was falling lightly, and just starting to frost the streets.Revelers were pouring west, ignorant of the weather, and the two of them joined the movement."How far are we?" Emily asked."Just a few blocks. We'll see how close we get. It's pretty late."Richard led her through the streets towards the glowing square. Sounds of merriment grew louder and louder, and soon they were caught up in the edges of the crowd. Pushing in and out of slow moving rivers of bodies, they eventually secured a. Now I've got 2 women pushing me back and licking my cock. I'm in heaven. The new girl, clearly likes cock as she takes me whole in her mouth, and then switches to sucking on my balls while pushing my wife’s head onto my cock. I can't take much more of this without cumming, and my wife decides we should swap around. Our new friend has expressed a wish to 69 a lady while her husband fucks her from behind. So we get into position and give it a go! It's a great experience being behind you.
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