Doch Herr Schneider fing an, das Korsett immer enger zu ziehen. Oh Gott, sie bekam kaum Luft dabei. Das Korsett zwang sie zu einer aufrechten Haltung,... die Taille wurde immer schmaler und der Druck immer stärker. "Ich liebe es, wenn ich Nutten so zurechtgemacht vor mir sehe" hört sie hinter sich sagen. "das macht sie so herrlich angenehm, wenn man in ihre Fotzen fickt, egal ob es nun zwei Fotzen sind oder nur eine, wie bei dir. Man hält sich einfach an der engen Taille fest und fickt tief in das. We stared right through each other. Without saying a word, we both pulled off our shirts. Mom had a sexy black, lace bra on. She unhooked the front clasp and slid it off. She had small tits, B cups, but they still looked good. She had small, quarter sized aureoles, but her nipples were incredible. They stuck out almost an inch. The tips were bulging; in fact they looked like a toe. This was a sexy, horny woman.She switched her feet, and placed the left one on my chest. She lifted her right leg. I scream out as you bite down hard, causing you to pull away. You slap my tits a few times making them red, then drag me to the bed and push me down. You turn me over on my back and drag my head until its hanging over the edge. My husband is standing close by now with a look of shock on his face. He didn't expect this surprise. You tell me to inform my husband that I arranged this and that he is to watch and do whatever we ask. If he does or says anything we don't like, he will have to wait in. His wife, Nilam was very tall, lean but very good complexion. She was good looking also, but her only flaw was her flat chest. She almost had no breast. I used to make fun of her when ever we used to sit for chatting. But she was very sportive and used to tease me for my foot ball sized boobs.Once Mrs. Bajaj had to go to her home town in Punjab to attend the marriage of her cousin. She went along with her son, and Mr. Bajaj was alone in the house. She had requested me to send him his meals in.
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