Tasha was moaning in ecstasy and Sapphire looked at Stuart in disgust. "Look at her, your slut of a girlfriend enjoying two big black cocks, whilst Im... here with your skinny little 4" worm....look at him tonguing her cute little ass, getting it ready to take some big black cock, she wont ever be happy with your cock again, just know whenever you fuck her again although physically she might be with you, deep down she will be with those black cocks"I strip naked and walk over to the bed, Tasha. It wasn't long before he was hard. This time he put the condom on himself and positioned himself over me sliding his big cock in me. He pumped fast and hard. Then harder and harder. He really was getting the hang of it quick. I climaxed twice before he did then I felt him tense up cumming again which made me cum even better. When he finished Jean again grabbed the condom off him but I didn't know she had both in her hand and she proceeded to squeeze them out all over my tits.I yelled at her. "Trust me, you want it," I replied. "It's lubricated. It'll make it easier for you." No," she said forcefully.Hey, who am I to argue? "Okay," I said, and dropped the condom where I was. I marched up to her and spread out her ass cheeks. She hissed with pain at the touch, and I understood why she hadn't been wearing any panties under her dress.That didn't stop me from going in, however. She said she wanted it, and she was gonna get it whether she liked it or not, just like my dad said."Just. ‘Hi Michael! Taking a little break from school, and thought I would give an old friend a call. How about lunch today? My treat!’ ‘Janie! It’s great to hear your voice! Yeah, lunch is good. Meet you at um, that place we went that time … noon.’ ‘Okay Michael, see you there!’ Janie looked great! She seemed more mature, and dressed in expensive clothes. We talked mostly about her schooling out east, and her career goals. She wants to be a corporate CEO by the time she’s thirty, and talked about.
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