The forest that had taken him the better part of a day to traverse on horseback whipped by underneath them, while flocks of birds were scared into the... air by the scream of the mana engines behind them. But then they were over the rice paddies, and over the village of Rataka itself.The larger buildings were still burning. Many of the smaller ones had collapsed. And there were bodies in the streets – being picked over by strange, angular beings. Ember didn’t wait for June to bring the Starshrike. Sweeping his arms under my legs he lifted me up and walked a few steps to place me in the jeep. Another pounding of thunder followed by another crack of lightning and the palm tree about 50 feet away split right down the center falling only inches from the rear of the jeep. He turned the key and the jeep came to life. I hugged my knees to my chin shivering from the cold rain pelting my arms stinging them, leaving red blotches across my shoulders. The soft top was up but somehow the rain found. know...marijuana." Bobby!" his sister said angrily."I just wanted to know. Chrissies not that old...everyone tries it at least once." "I didn't," Patty protested."Liar." Well, maybe once or twice," Patty admitted."Have you Bobby," his mom asked, a clear concern evident in her voice. "You're so young," she started to add before Patty interjected."He's not too young for you know what." Patty!" Did you mom," Bobby asked again."Just because I did something once upon a time doesn't mean you. “What are my options?” Sean asked. Suzie hit his arm.“Huh?”“Do I have to take her home with me or can I leave her here?” Sean asked.The woman frowned and then answered, “You should take her home.”“Then I guess I’m here to pick her up,” Sean said.The woman hit a button and the door started buzzing. She said, “Go on through. The Chief is waiting for you.”“Thank you,” Sean said.Sean and Suzie went through the door. Chief Fastman was seated at his desk with his hands laced behind his head. Lily was.
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