What makes you even think of such a thing?” “You know me too well Judy to judge my thinking, so if you can prove me wrong then fine.”Cathy spoke... to her as if there was no one else at the table and she didn’t care if there was.“Last night I was woken in bed by my husband masturbating and just as I decided to help him he called out, “Oh fuck yeah Judy. That was not a shock to me at all as we have discussed many of our fantasies to each other and afterwards we would have great sex. He told me. This was always the routine and we did this atleast twice a month.Since mother was still fertile, she made it a point to fuck dad compulsorily on these nights when he was slightly drunk and somehow trick him into ejaculating inside here. Mother has told me that considering their ages, since she was still fertile, dad was very particular about using a condom while fucking her. They rarely fucked unless mother took the initiative.He was very careful always not to ejaculate inside her, either by. The snow-cat engines stalled five kilometers from their objective and would not restart. The men were on foot, stumbling and struggling toward the gaping hole. They called to report their situation but the radios in their combat helmets were dead. So were the backup radios in their belt packs. All their systems were silent, useless.They struggled forward, blind without their light-enhancing helmet goggles. They could not communicate among themselves except by shouts or hand signals within arms. I blinked."Do you want us to pause it?" asked my dad."No, it's alright."I was aware of myself sliding across the floor again and pushed myself up. Imogen had been gone for two minutes or so. Finally I decided enough was enough."You snooze you lose," I said, crossing the space to the armchair and sprawling contentedly in it. My parents gave each other a look but didn't say anything. By the time Imi came back I had manoeuvred myself round so that my legs hung over the arm on one side of the chair.
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