She began squeezing the base of my penis with her hands hard. Her butt pushed back. She was humping my face again.I pushed my hips up a few times to... give her the clue to not forget about me. She caught on and quickly resumed sucking me. She was devoted to me now; she wanted to make me feel Good.One of her hands retreated from my shaft and I could feel her playing gently with my testicles. Each time she dropped her head onto me, I swear she was going a little deeper.My tongue licked and. I was becoming intrigued. "I assume you both are gay?" I asked. "I admit we do get frisky on occasion," he trailed off. "But only when the beer hits me!" Jim laughed out loud. "Don't worry. You're safe." I had no idea Jim was gay, or bi or 'pan-sexual' or whatever the term. He was just a friendly guy that I enjoyed the company of. I was proudly straight and had no intention of changing that. And as Jim never 'hit' on me, I figured I'd settle in to enjoy the second quarter. The quarter was. You're a little bitty thing, ain't ya?" He looked down a bit farther. "Well ... most of you is little." He grinned. "I see the outline of a ring. Young widow?" Divorced. If I had managed to keep him interested one more year I'd have been married to him half my life. He liked his secretary's tits better than mine." Fool was he?" I managed. That your grandson?"There was a fellow David's age standing on the Office porch with the most amazed look on his face. He was totally mesmerized by the two. Robert I gave you them. Now you know where everything is let’s go and find you something to do. He took me on a tour showing me where the mechanics locker room was then their rest room which had 2 showers located of to the side. You going to need to clean this place a couple time a week. Then to the back hallway stopped at the colored restroom opened the door showing me a long trough for the urinal, there were 3 commodes and no enclosures just commodes, the place was filthy put on my list to.
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