Fortunately for all of us reading this story, we’ll all be dead. Yet, according to Shirley MacLaine, our souls survive, our souls never die. ‘Hmm,... I wonder what my soul wants for Christmas. A new Ferrari? A Bentley? Nah, perhaps something that’s even better than that for the soul. I know, Ben and Jerry’s Cherry Garcia ice cream. Now, that’s the ticket, that’s real soul food. The good thing about being dead and just being a soul is that I can eat as much ice cream as I want and not gain any. ‘Wendy, or should I say dearest Wendy for what I am saying? Thank you for Sunday, for not only coming to my rescue, for her understanding and for introducing me to a new world. Your gentleness and kisses are so different than what I have ever experienced. You worked through my initial awkwardness to bring forth pleasure I have long suppressed. Your roses and note touched my heart. I almost cried that you thought so much about me to send them. Without reservation I want to be with you. I am. I went online and we spoke about my life her life, she told me was into a relationship for 14 years, 10 years of marriage and 4 years as an affair. I then asked her whether she would like to meet tomorrow as we could understand what we want and talk freely. She was more than happy and agreed. She told me to come to south Bombay and we will meet near Cadbury house on peddar road… I agreed and reached at the said time to the place we had decided… I was totally shocked seeing her. She was sexy. Thankfully, there are times where exceptions can be found! One lucky catgirl and catboy couple managed to luck out with their brand of neko-branded napkins: Purrfect Pleasures. Their first product was simple enough, cloth napkins decorated with a pattern of cat paw prints, sold far better than either could have predicted. With this opportunity, they immediately tested out other items, and every one of them – ranging from lamp shades to rugs and even clothing – sold with an intense.
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