”Shaking his head, John listened as Ed discussed sunsets. John loved the contrast between the sunsets of the desert and the sunsets in the mountains... here. Each had its own special flavor that had to be enjoyed in its own right.He asked, “What kind of soup is better? Clam Chowder, Wisconsin Beer Cheese, or French Onion?”Opening his eyes, Ed asked, “That’s not a fair question. They are each so different that you can’t compare them. You have to enjoy each kind of soup for what it is.”John smiled. And if she can read six books in like two days imagine how much she could read in about two hours. After watching a episode of one of my own shows, it was about dinner time, thankfully tonight was soup, thank god something not smotheredin grease. I went to grab our tray with our stuff on it. Since we were all starving we all dug in right away, well except for Neisa, even though she was holding and reading thebook with one hand and eating her soup with the other. And after we were all done we. Davis pick you up." He sucked at his cheek. "Probably figured you could get a little cash, maybe get a ride for a ways and say goodbye before he ever suspected a thing."I opened my mouth and then closed it."Something went wrong though, didn't it? Maybe he forced himself on you, that it? Or did Mr. Davis catch you going through his pockets?" the sheriff asked and he wasn't looking for an answer. "Made you mad, huh? Whatever that man did, you didn't like it much. And you're tired of running away. ‘Lord, please forgive me for that. I’m only doing what I must.’ “Oh my god, Chad! I’m so sorry, are you alright?!” He only gave a muffled cry, trying to stop the blood pouring to his nose. “It’s ok, I’ll help get you to the infirmary.” Taking advantage of his pain, she pulled him to his feet while sneaking her hand into his pocket and taking his dorm room key. ‘And please forgive me for that too.’There was hushed muttering in the cafeteria as Thane made his way to the kitchen with an empty tray.
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