The very act of writing. The writing is our safe little world, where there are no constraints. Our little secret. To have a collaborator, so intimate.... Like whispering in each others ears. We awaken these things in each other. Hers, lost and now found through my words. Mine uncovered, like curtains being drawn back and revealing what was always there but hidden. Sweet and gentle discovery! Sudden and intense rediscovery! We have our secret, safe place. Outside of it, we go through our lives.. ’ Priya and Cyrus chatted for nearly an hour. Priya updated him on everything happening in her life, and they even chatted a little about the past, reminiscing on their days together. Eventually, Cyrus had to hang up and get to bed to be fresh for a long day. After an early breakfast they left for Akaroa, a small harbor a few kilometers away from Christchurch, where they had planned to spend the entire day on a boat, photographing dolphins, and with any luck, some whales. Cyrus was excited,. To keep from waking me up, she had been singing in a stage whisper, which is really hard to do.Nothing much is happening today. There’s a rehearsal later, of course, but nothing until then. I got a text from Jeff.“Carol, Jeff just texted me that he is cutting the ‘Wonderful Day Reprise’ and changing our final number to a fuller version of ‘Love Never Goes Away’ with a little rewrite so it will be just you and me.”“So, what you told me that night we first rehearsed WEST SIDE STORY is gonna. --Dave was fondling Jen's breasts as he looked up at her. Looking down at him, she flashed back to New Year's Eve. She remembered how his face scrunched up in pleasure as he shot his potent cum into her fertile depths. It really had been the most erotic experience of her life."Dave, I need do something for me..." she murmured in between gasps."Anything...anything," he gasped back. "I love you." Oh God, Dave. I you too!" And she did, she realized. "Dave...I want.
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