He said “Oh shit! Sorry!” and backed out through the door way. Tom shouted after him “Hey Ralph! It’s okay man! Come on in, its okay.” ...Ralph froze in his tracks. I’m sure he was trying to make sure he heard right. And comprehend all of the meaning of the words. Then he poked his head around the door. I arched my back and stuck out my chest and said “Hi Ralph. It’s okay, come on in if you want. I’m Cindy, Tom’s sister. He told me you would be coming home and we thought you might join. Worse yet, John might consider the hot iron a weapon to use against Roger; in a fight like that, anything could happen. I was bracing myself to scream when John stopped the beating. "Time for a different game," he said. He untied the ropes holding me in place, and pushed me to the floor. My arms and legs were still chained; he further secured my by tying my handcuffs to my waist. Finally, he tied another rope to my leg chains and dragged me, feet first, towards the barn. My sense of panic,. ” I slapped her ass again. It made a sharp sound and felt like a sting, even to my own hand. Again I spanked her ass. And again, harder each time, as her hand reached backwards and found my cock, which had softened somewhat after my last cum, but with the touch of her hand it grew hard again. Swat. Swat. One spanking after the other, each one harder and her cheeks were beginning to get red, but not yet raw. “Keep going until I tell you to stop,” she begged. “Keep it up…oh fuck, that is so. You understand what’s going on, right? I’ve figured it out myself, since feeling it, and it makes perfect sense, dear. Once ... you claim something, if it’s something ... organic, its whole essence changes, its mystical qualities become ... entirely subservient to your will. On a fundamental level, all this ... ceases to be free of your control. That’s why we all ache to obey you, while your mother, sisters, and I ... find ourselves craving more of you ... more contact, more submission to your.
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