As you could be without being in Canada, it was a decrepit, aged, dirty, dying old town which hadn’t even gotten around to upgrading its ‘ESSO’ ...signs at the gas station he often stopped at. It had one fast food restaurant. Past that there wasn’t a decent place to eat and these folks had no concept of a decent cup of coffee. He’d often drive across the border and enjoy an absurdly cheap and relatively decent lobster dinner at a little dive. The climate was brutal, the sun didn’t shine for at. I hope we weren’t in the business of breeding and selling sex slaves. We didn’t structure high profile matches that led to pack alliances as pure cash transactions. The special relationships between biologically related packs helped smooth over the irritations between packs with territorial instincts forced to live closer together than they would prefer. The cooperation and tolerance knowing one of my daughters was the mate of another pack’s Alpha male softened my rhetoric if we had a. Emily started courting and eventually married, but this didn’t stop her wanting and having daddy’s cock. Six months after marrying she told us she was pregnant, she had a daughter. Wendy too married and she too came home to daddy’s bed, almost a year after Emily, she also had a daughter.Ten year later and I’m baby sitting Diane, and Chloe, my grand daughters, they are tom boys, thinking nothing of running around kicking a foot ball or climbing trees, dolls are for sissy’s they say, they had. "There's water to drink. Stones we can use for tools. And we're not likely to be pounced on by leopards or bears." And look!" said Venerable, pointing at a pair of antelopes that were drinking by the river. "There's also game. What we can't get from the river, we can still get from the forest." We should set up a village here," said Venerable's wife, Modesty, holding their two-year old child close to her bare bosom. "It's much nicer here than where the chimpanzees and gorillas roam."The Forest.
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