Ich zog ihn wieder raus und ließ sie ihn ablecken, dann befahl ich ihr, ihre Zunge in mein geweitetes Arschloch zu stecken. Das gelang nicht gleich b...eim ersten mal, also sagte ich, sie soll es mit dem Finger weiten. Das tat sie sofort und es war Hammer geil. "Los steck den zweiten Finger rein damit es weit wird." Nun war es weit genug und die Zunge passte rein. Klar nicht tief aber es reichte um sie weiter zu erniedrigen So ließ ich mich ausgiebig lecken. Ich drehte mich um und griff in ihre. You know I would. Are you OK with sharing me with them? What are their names?" Tom asked."Tom, they're my best friends, Donna and Jenny, but I must warn you; both of them are totally horny and if you agree to take us on as a foursome, you'll get your brains totally fucked out. OK? I'm just wondering if you have any idea what you might be getting yourself into." Baby, I know you three girls are very sexy and very hot, but I think I can hold my own even if the odds against me are three to one,. He was old enough to call himself a man and he did.Of course, the man thing was really debatable, but at the ripe old age of twenty he was definitely old enough to claim some other title than boy. Like college sophomore for one or, maybe, young adult. He also was the one guy that Naiya could truly say she was ever in love with and as well as the one guy that Ashlee really could've lived without.Frankly, she kind of had the impression she was going to get her wish until two weeks after school. I had let things get out of control. But put yourself in my position. I was recently married to an absolutely gorgeous young lady with an extravagant sexual appetite. She wanted LOTS of sex; I wanted her to be happy; I enjoyed fucking. What's wrong with this picture? The problem, as I learned and was validated by Cynthia, was that the more she got, the more she wanted. There was just no limit to her desires. The only solution was to force her to withdraw from her desires. I didn't.
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