They hadn't even invented personal cellphones for fuck's sake!" Oh my fucking god!" exclaimed Tom "It really was the dark ages wasn't it?" Dark ages."... mimicked Carl.Mrs Bachman interjected "Will you gonads shut the fuck up - it's on!" ***** Grace blinked as she stepped unsteadily into the light. As her eyes adjusted she focused on the tall, muscular, handsome man standing before her, with his arms folded and a gentle smile on his face.The tall, muscular, handsome, naked man.The tall, muscular,. Once again I had to wonder if there was some sort of significance behind the choice."Something funny?" Silvia questioned me with a hint of irritation in the tone of her voice."Oh hell no!" I said backtracking. "I'm just delighted to be watching this!" My explanation seemed to mollify her somewhat and she gave me a smile accepting my explanation. Debbie merely continued on with the joyful exploration of her pussy, and began uttering that sweet little mewling sound she made whenever her orgasm. I moaned in embarrassment that you found me so wet."Baby girl, you are wet!"I moaned again softly. You swatted me several more times, my arse was burning, and Imoaned even louder with tears in my eyes."Reach between your legs baby girl and feel how wet you are."I complied. I was dripping wet. You stopped and I heard you step away but I did not move. My bottom was stinging and my pussy was dripping. I bit my bottom lip while waiting, waiting for whatever you had planned next. You stepped back. Katie loomed over me. “The more important question of the moment is, should I munch down on those silky white knickers of yours, or rip them off?”I turned the page and persevered with my reading.“Standing 984 feet high upon completion on March 15, 1889, the Eiffel Tower became the world’s tallest structure.”Katie lowered her mouth to the crotch of my undies and nuzzled.“The… oh geez… er …the Eiffel Tower was the tallest… Oh, my go…. Katie…!”She nibbled and kissed my panty as I struggled to.
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