After I completed her back massage she inquire of me whether I wanted her to turn over and I eagerly said yes. Again I started at her neck and caress...ed with my finger tips from her neck to the tips of her feet, making her body tremble from excitement and pleasure. I then started again to massage gently but firmly the front of her body paying particular attention to her firm beautiful breasts and nipples standing very erect from each breast. I continued down her body as it trembled again. The bar was busy and soon after he arrived, the place emptied almost due to a flight being called for LAX. After getting a drink of fresh orange he found a corner not to dark with the comfiest seat ever, heaven he thought and slumped almost like a dead man into it's arms. There was about 25 people in the bar and he took in the atmosphere and started watching people go about their lives. His companion meanwhile was still stuck in traffic about 5 minutes from the airport and no idea his new found. Do what you feel is natural to you, and let your instinct takes control. You will learn to eat and love pussy. If you need it I will guide you through it but now show me what you can do.”I was so happy she liked my breasts that I straightened my back and pushed them forward with pride. I had never been that close to another woman’s pussy before, but I found myself wanting to get closer. I could see her juices dripping out of the lips and could smell her arousing scent that was coming from it. .she even knew that I liked to wear pantyhose and high heels while we did it ;-)While I was no stranger to the thrill of having cocks in my mouth, I had never played with more than 2 at a time. The closest thing I had ever done were after school circle jerks at John's house. We would all get comfortable in the living room, groups ranging from 5 to 15 guys, John would throw in a porno, and we'd all jerk ourselves off. When we came, we would shoot on a cracker on the table. The first one to cum.
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