"Second, he finally managed to get it into a less concentrated form. It's controllable now, predictable. So many drops makes a woman your slave for so... many hours. Finally, it's ingestible. Actually, it's meant to be drunk. Smells wonderful too. I had to fight off the urge to try it right after I finished making it. Please pull over and fuck me. I need it now!"Dave had figured that was coming and had turned down a side street. A minute later he turned the van off into a parking lot and parked as. She took my hand from her belly and placed it on one of her soft breasts.“Mmmmm,” she moaned. “Start slow and then go as fast and hard as you can. Let us see how long you can last before running out of breath if you don’t cum first.”I laughed as I started to gently fuck her from behind. Slowly, I increased my speed and got into a fast but steady rhythm. Her pussy was tighter than I thought she would be, but it was a nice comfortable fit.“Yes, that’s it. Keep that pace and you will make me cum. “Bullshit bro you’re gonna go home and jerk off to the idea, but you’re too much of a pansy to do that”. “Watch me”, I said, and I walked home with a confidence I have never had. I wasn’t able to carry out my plan unfortunately because I walked through the door of my house to find my mother crying on the couch with a bottle of gin. “What’s wrong mom”, I asked. “He’s such a liar and a dirt bag”, she shouted. “Who?” I asked. She stayed quiet for half a minute and I repeated the question.. Slowly he pumped up and down, making his balls jiggle and dance between his thighs, his foreskin playing peek-a-boo with the head of his cock. Jennifer’s fingers were now noisily and sloppily digging in and out of her leaking snatch. The rubbing fingers making the pubic hairs that were still relatively dry rustle, but making slurping and squishing sounds as they invaded her pussy hole.“My son,” Jennifer whispered dreamily. “My son is on my bed waiting for ME. And that cock…that gorgeous, big.
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