. and basicly you feel taken for granted?" Tom, he acts like such a big shot because he is a boardmember for the bank and he did tell me I always had ...to look good just in case there was some big thing going on and wives would need to be present." So he wants you as a trophy wife? to show you off yet never say how good you look?" You really pick up on things, you know that Tom." Does he ever say something nice if you cook his favorite dinner?" Get this Tom, I did his favorite stuffed porkchops. I don’t think there was a woman there who did not feature in my naughty fantasies even the old and some would say ugly ones appeared in them. I spent most meetings at the Church trying to hide my rock hard cock. As part of going to the Army I was made to attend weekday bible study (a chore but it kept mum quiet) these we lead by the Officer (minister) Rose. She was about 50 quite plump and no looker but as she was always in uniform and nylons I has spilt quite a bit of cum thinking about her. A. ) On the bright side, Sue had bigger boobs than Arlene; and her twat didn't taste nasty, so I figured I'd done an OK trade, too.I looked back over, and Arlene was riding fucking Jerry's cock. She didn't even know him. Fuck! Of course, I got to fuck Jerry's wife Sue, who turned out to be a real sweetie. We humped once. Then Jerry said he'd wish Arlene could spend the night with them. Sue looked at me. She looked sad hearing that; ... or was she thinking something else?Sue asked Arlene: Are you. What about Jeff. Do you have a thing for my husband???I have always fantasized when I masturbate. Using your vibrator was naughty. Using your vibrator in your bed was even naughtier. So, naturally, ?.???you started thinking about using my husband, too,? I said, finishing the thought.?Exactly. I mean, he is very handsome and all, but I don?t have a crush on him or anything, if that?s what you mean.??Well, I guess I understand. Lord knows I?d be going up a wall if I couldn?t have an orgasm when.
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