How times had changed. Once, the Olympians reigned supreme. They ruled the sky, the land and the sea. Now the Earth belonged to man and woman, and absentee landlord, Yahweh. The age of the Pagan gods was over. The humans barely remembered our names.I wish Lucifer good luck in his fight. I hope he doesn’t end up like some of my contemporaries. Vanquished, diminished and forgotten. With that, I left the Realm of Hell. I teleported myself to Earth. The abode of mortal man. Invisible, I. When we arrived we entered his flat, and the minute his door closed he turned to stand in front of me, face-to-face and very close. He took his t-shirt off without asking me and then said, ‘why don’t you help me out of my jeans ‘. I didn’t hesitate and popped the button on his jeans and let the zip down. I pulled the jeans off his ass to see a lovely thick cock about 6 inches long, rigid, and inside a pair of red panties. ‘that’s gorgeous’, I said. To help him out of his jeans I had to get down. I would have laughed at theabsurdity... but now...I looked down at my clothing and came back to reality a bit, I was amess! Was this going to come out? I peeled off the dirty lingerie andskirt and slipped into the shower quickly, wetting myself down.I examined my little friend for the first time in a while as I did so,though it was slightly harder to see these days with my breasts juttingout in front of me. I was definitely looking smaller than ever before,but it didn't bother me. It was easier. I lower myself to him. His tongue is deep inside me before I know it. I feel my legs start to quiver. He is like an animal eating a fresh kill. He would kill any other animal that would come along to keep what is in front of him. I feel him suck and pull on me with his teeth. I moan and hold on to the wall, leaning against it. I pull myself away. I can see my wetness left behind. It is glimmering in the light that is coming from little light that is coming into the room from the streetlights on.
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