Вынарядившись таким образом я расхаживал по пустой квартире, выставляя попочку и ...представляя себя в роли желанной сучки. Затем я упоенно кончал. Мои «приколы» происходили с периодичностью раз в месяц. Я пытался завязать с этим, но это было сильнее меня.Так продолжалось несколько лет. Я уже отбросил мысль испытать секс с мужчиной в реале. Но произошел следующий случай. Недавно я решил записаться в бассейн. Я начал посещать его в обеденное время, так как именно в это время бассейн был более менее. I barely felt it when Sharon hooked her fingers into the brim of my underpants and quickly pulled them down and off my feet. I vaguely heard her reprimand me, "Ashley, since you bought these sexy underpants, you naughty girl, your punishment is to sleep without them tonight." "Whatever," I mumbled and reached down, pulled the sheet up to my chin, and turned over for a restful night of sleep. I didn't know what game Auntie Sharon was playing with me, but I was tired of it and wanted to sleep. As fuck. I reached my hand down the back of her pants and felt the slippery smoothness of a sweaty ass. BUT before I smelled and slurped her ass crack, I wanted to see her puss. I made a quick guess that she was shaved, but had about a week's worth of stubble. I was wrong as fuck. This bitch's pussy was bald as a motherfucker. She must have shaved like this fucking morning. I touched it. It was also damp as fuck. I bent down and smelled her bald cunt. God the fuck damn it smelled good. It. A quick report by the Sheriff's office would indicate that an electrical line had shorted, causing a deadly house fire. Tragic, but it happened often enough and would not be further explored. If, for some reason, anyone made it out of the house, Alpha Team would take care of the problem with their high power sniper rifles.Max prided himself as a disciple of the KISS principle. Keep It Simple, Stupid. One could hardly ever go wrong following this simple mantra. Go in, kill the witnesses, get.
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