Let's see. Two arms, check. Two legs, also check. All visibleextremities and digits in place, including 10 fingers. Perfectly in linewith the human an...atomy chart just outside the chamber. As expected theonly visible physical transfiguration is my suit, which grew severalsizes too large during the aborted restructuring event. These things aredesigned to absorb the brunt of unreality, and I've seen them do worsethan warp and grow a bit while still leaving their occupants unchanged,so nothing. As she typed in her email address and password, Janet silently cursedherself. She knew full well what the result would be, but she continuedto torture herself anyway on the off chance that maybe, just maybe, theinevitable WOULDN'T happen.However, as it had on the countless previous times, the inevitablemessage popped up on the phone's screen- 'you have been blocked fromviewing this profile'. Janet let out a long, pained groan and threw herphone onto the sofa, silently weeping at the injustice. Although we both thought sex was to be a much more profound level of unionof our souls, something we both craved crazily, in fact it turned out tobe a chance for us to discover ourselves and our deeper sexuality.Mustapha had just performed his first feminizing procedure on me, upon aproxy by Najib. As our absolute Commander, and a strong believer intranswomen's femininity, Najib could perform all feminizing procedures andassert his power as a man on any woman that asked to be feminized.. ‘I remember now why I stopped inviting you on long car rides,’ he said while looking at me. I grinned at him innocently. ‘It’s like trying to entertain a two-year-old.’ He was trying to be serious but I saw the corners of his mouth twitch. I laughed softly at his frustration. ‘We’re barely out of town, Edie, and you’re so restless you’re practically twitching.’ Now he was blatantly teasing me. ‘Well, clearly you’re not doing enough to entertain me. I’m so bored.’ I smiled sweetly at him as we.
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