Watching the moon shine through the water stained windows Presley starts to feel the heaviness of sleep burden her eyes, welcoming the lengthy sensati...on of non-existence she gives into the warmth, titles of books and memories of her father fading into a sea of nothing. … Early the next morning Presley stands before a plain, body-length mirror wearing a dress much like the one she wore the previous day, the darkness under her eyes a little lighter but the ever present wormhole in her core. ‘I told you I wanted to see you.’ Rita was dressed in black as befit her mourning. Frank took in the black dress that covered her demurely, yet hinted of what was underneath. She sat primly on the sofa as Frank took the chair opposite her. ‘How did you find me? I didn’t tell you where I live or reveal any way for you to find me.’ ‘I have sources,’ he replied. ‘I had to see you.’ The maid appeared and Rita asked her to bring coffee and scones for them and then leave them alone. They chatted. She would run at the minotaur like she had the orc, but at the last second she was going to jump to the side and then escape through the open hole it had just made. It was risky, but it was either that or get her ass kicked and then brutally raped by something that would tear her in half with the first thrust.Rebecca numbly pulled her sword from her hip and held it out as the tip bobbed up and down from her hand shaking so badly. She screwed up every last bit of courage she had left as her. I slide myself onto a barstool and watch the bartender pour me a glass. I try to think about the trip I am planning to go on in the fall. Maybe I can take it early. I certainly deserve a vacation. I wouldn’t have taken this new client if it weren’t for Freddy’s insistence that I wouldn’t be hurt again, and it would be ‘easy money’ that I could spend on my trip. But it is too soon. The bartender hands me my drink and smiles. ‘Enjoy.’ I thank him and turn around on my stool. I can see the dance.
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