Some women begin in the second trimester. With luck, it'll keep on being well-spaced for another week or so. We'll call the obstetrician when they get... to ten minutes apart. Unless something untoward happens." Like?" Heavy spotting. Bleeding. Water breaking." She looked at me. "Don't fret. I check the pads quite frequently. And I'm in good health. But I do wish he'd stop kicking." He wants out. How'd you like to be trapped in a small, damp, dark place?" Good point." The TV broke into the film. It was then that I noticed there was a crack between the door and the frame. Well I had come this far. I put my eye to the crack. As luck would have it I was looking directly at the bed in the next room. To my surprise I discovered that it was not a couple fucking.Spread out on the bed was a woman. I would guess in her early thirties. She had brown hair and a tanned complexion with contrasting tan lines. Her left hand was pulling at her breasts, while her right dipped into her cunt. Her head. “Oh, God! Beck! Your pussy is so TIGHT!”“I love how you feel inside me! I feel so full!”“Are you ready, princess? ‘Cause I’m ready to fuck you good and proper!”“Give it to me, Daddy! I… I want all of you inside me!”He lifted up on his knees for better leverage and pushed with all his might. They both groaned aloud as his monster cock relentlessly pushed into her impossibly tight cunt. He pulled back half an inch, then pushed forward a full inch. It seemed to take forever, but eventually, he was. “Look what you did. What are we going to do with you men?”“Don’t act shocked,” Ken said. “You girls seem pretty happy playing with our cocks.”Joyce giggled, sounding pleasantly drunk. “Now you guys owe us something.”“More than flowers?” I asked.“Oh, yeah!”Roni and Ken were standing close after having taken their turn watching us.“Joyce,” Roni said, “I think our husbands are easy to please.”“This reminds me of High School. On a date, I’d give Kenny a hand job, but back then he’d be happy for a.
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