" How greedy is he? We will get into trouble by being too good." Warren is pursuing wealth with finesse if I may use the word. He has set up many more... companies and refined the crude methods Nadac used. He is actually steering wealth to those that can use it wisely through grants, loans and seed money." To what end?" Creating employment in chronically poor areas of the world. The planet is sick and much is needed to bring it back to health. Much of the employment is aimed at this task." People. "Wow!" I gushed."You like?" She beamed, smugly.I nodded."So, are you ready to have your cum-guzzling little balls flattened, then?" She asked."Yes." I gulped, my heart racing with nervous anticipation."Good, then follow me." She instructed, brusquely.Instead of taking me up to her bedroom like last time, Sophia led me through to her secret-lair out the back."Oh, my lord!" I uttered as I stepped into what was effectively her torture chamber.The room was all decked out with whips and canes. I was quite successful and at one stage our faces were only inches apart. We gazed at each other and I could tell that Lynne was enjoying this. There was a gleam in her eyes and it was all I could do not to kiss her. Susan seemed to sense this.“Behave you two!” Lynne turned to look at her.“Why should I?” and then Lynne turned back to me and to my surprise kissed me firmly on the lips. I manage to hold my balance.“That’s cheating!” Susan laughed.“I bet I can make him fall down!” Lynne. She was always lying out in her backyard working on a deep tan, and she had that California beach girl look. I thought she was a natural blonde until the night this story took place, and I found out she was really a brunette. (The price I paid for that little piece of knowledge has been very costly to my self-image.)Shortly after I met Andrea she started inviting me out to school shindigs. She was a junior at the time and knew everyone, and as you can probably guess she was very popular.Andrea.
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